Sunday, December 15, 2013

Regrets of Parents

Who needs Huggies to swim?
What!? No one regrets a baby!? Want to bet - this kid sure grew up feeling like a mistake.

Then along comes the Huggies survey of parents, saying two thirds of parents regret stuff about raising their children. I have to say I'm kind of shocked at the large amount of parents regretting things, and the long list of regrets, none of which I identify with. 

This could be because I live on the beach, swim every day with my daughter, take thousands of pictures and videos each year, make a huge fuss over birthdays, take regular holidays and generally play and have fun with her most days. That, and that I was independently wealthy before conceiving her and checked her into family daycare for three days a week for her first year because I didn't want to spend every waking hour with my baby. And no, I don't regret that, I cherish the happiness we both have.

In any case, here are what parents apparently regret. Number one is working too much - I mean really? If the parent isn't working the kid ain't eating, ain't lying in a nice clean bed in a nice safe house and ain't getting any presents for birthdays! So, parents, just chill out. And please don't stop working because we have enough kids living in poverty. And don't worry about worrying too much over little things: biology forces you to feel like this to protect your newborn, it's all normal and healthy.

And Huggies, next time you want to draw attention to your brand, just buy ad space rather than creating a fake survey where two of the regret categories are about swimming, so we can wear your crappy landfill destined swimmer nappies. In Australia little kids swim naked. We do not need your products and we honestly do not regret not swimming. If anything we regret swimming too much. Stop stoking the parents' anxieties and start funding more support services for parents doing it tough. Really.

Top 20 regrets of parents
  1. Working too much
  2. Worrying too much about the little things that didn’t really matter
  3. Not playing with them more
  4. Not going on more holidays
  5. Not taking enough photos
  6. Spending too much time away from then
  7. Not filming enough events or milestones in their lives
  8. Not taking them on ‘big’ holidays, such as trips to Disneyland
  9. Not encouraging them to take up a/more hobbies
  10. Not having a shared hobby
  11. Not reading enough to them at bedtime
  12. Spending too much time worrying about keeping the house clean
  13. Not taking them swimming more often
  14. Not letting them take part in messy activities more often
  15. Not teaching them to swim earlier
  16. Not seeing/being at some of the milestones in their life
  17. Not making enough of Christmas/birthdays with them
  18. Being too over-protective
  19. Always waiting for the next milestone instead of enjoying the current one
  20. Not enjoying days out more

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