Monday, November 4, 2013

Endings and Beginnings

It's been about a year since I touched this blog site. It is now top of page two when you Google "best brothel Sydney" which is interesting since my blog was supposed to be about parenting and kids, not brothels. I clearly digressed, then abandoned my blog, like so many before me.

Such a cliche. To get you up to speed on what I've been doing for the past 1-2 years, I had another baby, a boy, again by Csection in a public hospital. This was liberating and fun as I had so many pain killers, my family visited me every day taking me for wheelchair rides and my room had ocean views. Best of all, I kissed my two year old good bye and she was taken home by her dad to read about The Wild Things and enact the book.

I had my baby around the same time as Kimye's baby (see back to my prediction that Kim and Kanye would get it together and make a baby - they did!!) and Kate Middleton's little prince.

Little baby boy is now four months old and wakes every two hours throughout the night. I read books as i rock him to sleep. Last night I finished Emily Perkins' Novel About My Wife. Brilliant and unsettling. Makes me want to finish my unfinished drafts I have around the place and do something with my writing abilities - something more than promoting Sydney brothels!

I have read so many books and seen so many movies in pregnancy and post birth. I was disabled for much of my pregnancy with PGP so spent a bit of time watching shows. The TV shows that keep me warm while I breastfeed include The Following, House of Cards, Lillyhammer, Girls, Homeland, Covert Affairs and Dexter which I have now finished, forever.

The final series of Dexter was a slow unwinding of over therapised character. For him to dump Harrison with Hannah in Argentina, kill off Deb and run off to Canada as a lumberjack, well. Not sure that's how I'd have liked Dexter to live but a nicely wrapped up ending is clearly what the producers wanted.

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